Larry’s Garland Book

Larry Schulman’s book is quite extraordinary. In addition to extensive information on every recording of every performance Judy ever did I find that, as a result of seeing the song titles that Judy sang – from Jerome Kern’s Who (1925) to Orlando Mullens’ For Once in my Life (1967?) serves as a tune retrospective, a history of song writing for all the years covered i.e. the bulk of the Great American Song book. Congratulations Larry!

Balance Exam

Having balance issues. Neurologist did these: A) -a sonogram of my carotid, B) -a Doppler of both sides of my neck, and then ordered me to put on a set of goggles for, C) -a videonystagmography, the latest procedure that registers your eye-coordination and mobility (compromised or not), gauges your vestibular function (blowing air into each ear) etc. Takes forty minutes, during which the headband and goggles became, for me, uncomfortably claustrophobic. You may not experience this discomfort.

Binocular Difra NysStar II vng equipment